
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type BusinessCustomer implements Customer {
  • billingAddress: CustomerAddress
  • communication: CustomerCommunication
  • deliveryAddresses: [CustomerAddress]
  • email: String
  • id: ID!
  • language: Language
  • memberId: String
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # first: Will fetch all if this is set to 0
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • orderHeaders(first: Int, offset: Int): OrderHeaderResult
  • organizationId: String
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • store: Store
  • subscribedToNewsletter: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "Use communication.acceptsEmail" )
  • }

link Require by

This element is not required by anyone