
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Mutation {
  • # Adds products to the cart where you can add comments to the products and
  • # determine their quantities. Replies with the affected cart if a cartId has been
  • # presented, otherwise a new cart will be created.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # cartId: Not specifying cart id will create new cart.
  • # items: [Not documented]
  • addMultipleToCart(
  • cartId: String,
  • items: [AddMultipleToCartInput]!
  • ): CartMutation
  • # Adds a product to the cart where you can add a comment to the product and
  • # determine the quantity. Replies with the affected cart if a cartId has been
  • # presented, otherwise a new cart will be created.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • addToCart(input: AddToCartInput!): CartMutation
  • # # addToCustomerProductList
  • # ## Description
  • # Adds items to product list, null id adds items to the default product list.
  • # ## Error Codes
  • # ### Unauthorized
  • # Unauthorized
  • # ### AddToProductListFailed
  • # Error in underlying API call, more info may be contained in the error message.
  • # ### InvalidArticleNumber
  • # Article number cannot be empty
  • # ### ProductNotFound
  • # No match on article number
  • # ### MoreThanOneMatchOnArticleNumber
  • # Article number matched more than one article
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # items: [Not documented]
  • addToCustomerProductList(
  • id: ID,
  • items: [AddToCustomerProductListInput!]!
  • ): CustomerProductListResult
  • # # createCustomerProductList
  • # ## Description
  • # Creates a product list for a logged in customer
  • # ## Error Codes
  • # ### Unauthorized
  • #
  • # ### UnableToCreateProductList
  • # Error in underlying API call, more info may be contained in the error message.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • createCustomerProductList(
  • input: CreateCustomerProductListInput!
  • ): CustomerProductListResult
  • # This mutation is used to reduce the quantity of a product in the cart, replies
  • # with the affected cart ruled by the cartId in the input.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • decrementItemQuantity(
  • input: ChangeByOneItemQuantityInput!
  • ): CartMutation
  • # This mutation deletes a customer. An authorization token is needed in the
  • # request, in order to be able to delete the customer.
  • deleteCustomer: Boolean
  • # # deleteCustomerProductList
  • # ## Description
  • # Deletes a product list for a logged in customer
  • # ## Error Codes
  • # ### Unauthorized
  • #
  • # ### ProductListNotFound
  • # Argument `id` did not match any list for this customer.
  • # ### UnableToDeleteProductList
  • # Error in underlying API call, more info may be contained in the error message.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • deleteCustomerProductList(id: ID!): DeleteCustomerProductListResult
  • # This mutation is used to increase the quantity of a product in the cart, replies
  • # with the affected cart ruled by the cartId in the input
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • incrementItemQuantity(
  • input: ChangeByOneItemQuantityInput!
  • ): CartMutation
  • # LoginMutation will log a user in.
  • # One of email, pid, externalId or memberNumber is required, along with a
  • # password.
  • # Returns an authorization token if the login was successful.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # password: [Not documented]
  • # email: [Not documented]
  • # pid: [Not documented]
  • # externalId: [Not documented]
  • # memberNumber: [Not documented]
  • login(
  • password: String!,
  • email: String,
  • pid: String,
  • externalId: String,
  • memberNumber: String
  • ): LoginResponse
  • # Removes a specific product in the cart, replies with the affected cart
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • removeFromCart(input: RemoveFromCartInput!): CartMutation
  • # # removeFromCustomerProductList
  • # ## Description
  • # Removes an item from a product list for a logged in customer, null id removes
  • # item in the default product list.
  • # ## Error Codes
  • # ### Unauthorized
  • #
  • # ### ProductListNotFound
  • # Argument `id` did not match any list for this customer.
  • # ### RemoveFromProductListFailed
  • # Error in underlying API call, more info may be contained in the error message.
  • # ### ProductNotFound
  • # Argument `articleNumbers` did not match any products or variants.
  • # ### MoreThanOneMatchOnArticleNumber
  • # Argument `articleNumbers` matched more than one product/variant.
  • # ### InvalidArticleNumber
  • # Argument `articleNumbers` cannot be null or empty.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # articleNumbers: [Not documented]
  • removeFromCustomerProductList(
  • id: ID,
  • articleNumbers: [String!]
  • ): CustomerProductListResult
  • # Removes specific items from the cart, replies with the affected cart
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • removeMultipleFromCart(
  • input: RemoveMultipleFromCartInput!
  • ): CartMutation
  • # Requires a valid email and returns boolean value if successful, otherwise an
  • # error will be thrown
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # email: [Not documented]
  • requestPasswordReset(email: String!): RequestPasswordResetResult
  • # Requires a valid resetPasswordToken and a new password and if successful will
  • # return a authentication token
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # resetPasswordToken: A reset password token that is solely used
  • # during a password reset
  • # newPassword: [Not documented]
  • resetPassword(resetPasswordToken: String!, newPassword: String!): ResetPassword
  • # Used to add a specific quantity to a product in the cart. Replies with the
  • # affected cart ruled by the cartId in the input
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • setItemQuantity(input: SetItemQuantityInput!): CartMutation
  • # The SignUp-mutation is used for creating a customer.
  • #
  • # If the sign up is successful the customer may be considered to be logged on and
  • # an authentication token will be returned
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • signUp(input: SignUpInput!): SignUpResponse
  • # This mutation's purpose is to subscribe a customer to a newsletter. In order to
  • # subscribe a customer a valid email address is required
  • #
  • # Responds with a boolean value whether the subscription has been successful or
  • # not
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # email: [Not documented]
  • subscribeToNewsletter(email: String!): Boolean
  • # Arguments
  • # email: [Not documented]
  • # articleNumber: [Not documented]
  • subscribeToStockNotifications(
  • email: String!,
  • articleNumber: String!
  • ): Boolean
  • # Responds with the affected cart.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • updateCart(input: UpdateCartInput!): UpdateCartMutation
  • # This mutation's purpose is to update a existing customer's information. An
  • # authorization token is needed in the request, in order to be able to delete the
  • # customer.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • updateCustomer(input: CustomerUpdateInput!): CustomerUpdateResponse
  • # # updateCustomerProductList
  • # ## Description
  • # Updates a product list for a logged in customer
  • # ## Error Codes
  • # ### Unauthorized
  • #
  • # ### ProductListNotFound
  • # Argument `id` did not match any list for this customer.
  • # ### UnableToUpdateProductList
  • # Error in underlying API call, more info may be contained in the error message.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • updateCustomerProductList(
  • input: UpdateCustomerProductListInput!
  • ): CustomerProductListResult
  • # # updateCustomerProductListItem
  • # ## Description
  • # Updates an item in product list, null id updates item in the default product
  • # list.
  • # ## Error Codes
  • # ### Unauthorized
  • #
  • # ### ProductListNotFound
  • # Argument `id` did not match any list for this customer.
  • # ### UnableToUpdateProductListItem
  • # Error in underlying API call, more info may be contained in the error message.
  • # ### ProductNotFound
  • # Argument `articleNumber` did not match any products or variants.
  • # ### MoreThanOneMatchOnArticleNumber
  • # Argument `articleNumber` matched more than one product/variant.
  • # ### InvalidArticleNumber
  • # Argument `articleNumber` cannot be null or empty.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • updateCustomerProductListItem(
  • input: UpdateCustomerProductListItemInput!
  • ): CustomerProductListResult
  • # The updatePassword mutation updates the customers password. Both the old
  • # password and a new password is a requirement.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # oldPassword: [Not documented]
  • # newPassword: [Not documented]
  • updatePassword(oldPassword: String!, newPassword: String!): UpdatePasswordResult
  • }

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