
Represents a route to either a Category, a Product, a Page or the StartPage.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Route {
  • # Alternative routes for this object, if it exists in another channel and/or in
  • # another language.NB: Carries no additional performance cost.
  • alternateRoutes: [AlternateRoute]
  • canonicalPath: String
  • id: String!
  • # The Category, Product, Page or StartPage that the Route resolves to. NB: Carries
  • # a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API call in the
  • # backend.
  • object: Document
  • # Parents are resolved by traversing the path, starting from the end, and are
  • # guaranteed to be returned in that order. NB: Carries a performance cost, as
  • # asking for this will result in a different, slightly more expensive (the more
  • # categories a shop has, the more expensive this gets), route query in the
  • # backend.
  • parents: [Route]
  • path: String!
  • slug: String!
  • }