
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type CountrySettings {
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • businessCustomerConsents: [Consent]
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • businessCustomerFields: [CustomerField]
  • countryCode: String!
  • paymentTypes: [paymentType]
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • privateCustomerConsents: [Consent]
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • privateCustomerFields: [CustomerField]
  • shipping: Shipping
  • }