
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Product implements Document {
  • articleNumber: String!
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • badges: [ProductBadge]
  • barcode: String
  • breadcrumbText: String
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • campaigns: [Category]
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • canonicalCategory: Category
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # includeHidden: Deprecated, this argument does not affect the
  • # result
  • categories(includeHidden: Boolean): [Category]
  • # Calculates the price of the product based on the configuration choices that's
  • # been madeNB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a
  • # separate API call in the backend.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # options: [Not documented]
  • configurationPrice(
  • options: [ProductConfigurationPriceInput!]
  • ): ProductConfigurationPrice
  • # Configurations on a product are used to assemble a complete product,
  • #
  • # For example, if the product is a ring then the ring may have two configurations;
  • # measures of circumference and choice of engraving
  • #
  • # In this field, all the configurations of the product will be presented, the
  • # configuration name and its various options.
  • configurations: [ProductConfiguration]
  • # Specifies input field(s) for the Customer to populate on the Product that will
  • # then carry through to the Order.
  • #
  • # If 'required' is true the Product should not be purchasable until the field is
  • # populated.NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a
  • # separate API call in the backend.
  • customerComments: [ProductComment]
  • customFields: [CustomField]
  • # Default previous price for the product in the channel, disregards Customer
  • # specific prices.
  • defaultPreviousPrice: Price
  • # Default price for the product in the channel, disregards Customer specific
  • # prices.
  • defaultPrice: Price
  • description: String!
  • # The product is recommended to only be purchasable in multiples of the
  • # distributionPackageSize. (Different shops may have different levels of leniency
  • # on this rule).
  • distributionPackageSize: Int!
  • hasConfigurations: Boolean!
  • hasVariants: Boolean!
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • head: HtmlHead
  • id: Int!
  • # Arguments
  • # includeVariantImages: Set this to false if you prefer to
  • # manually collate these images with the images found on the Variant.
  • images(includeVariantImages: Boolean): [ProductImage]
  • inPackages: [Product!]
  • isPackage: Boolean
  • isPreOrder: Boolean
  • # Product header if it differs from the actual product name, usually displayed
  • # instead of the product name in the header tag at the product page.
  • mainHeader: String!
  • name: String!
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • package: Package
  • preOrder: ProductPreOrder
  • # The previous price (i.e. this will be higher than `price` if the product is
  • # discounted). Will be a Customer specific previous price, if that Customer has a
  • # separate price list.
  • previousPrice: Price
  • # The current price. Will be a Customer specific price, if that Customer has a
  • # separate price list.
  • price: Price
  • # The primary route of this Product. NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for
  • # this will result in a separate API call in the backend.
  • primaryRoute: Route
  • publishedDate: Date
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • quantitySuffix: String
  • # Not in use. Always null.
  • recommendedPrice: Price
  • recommendedProducts: RecommendedProducts
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • relatedProducts: [Product]
  • shortDescription: String!
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • stockStatus: StockStatus
  • subName: String!
  • # NB: Carries a performance cost, as asking for this will result in a separate API
  • # call in the backend.
  • warehouseStock: [Warehouse]
  • variants: ProductVariants
  • }